Under the New Mexico blue expansive skies live hidden artists, such as Kristine Willis who has been in Red River for 35 years, a hero of mine to be exact.
She is a nurse, grandma, missionary and artist. Grown from a family of artists Kristine picked up
the niche from her great grandma who made Holly Hobby decor and her dad’s side who was
into interior design. Kristine decided to pick up her pallet and watched a couple of Youtube
videos and learned how to pour which is a process in painting. The artistic ability is astounding
and quite lovely.

As she was determined to learn how to pour she then made it her own. Crafting
is another such talent she possesses. Kristine sells commission pieces and also has her
artwork for sale in the unique coffee shop Bearly awake in our mountain town. Selling t-shirts,
making jewelry, writing poems and photography are some of her other talents and hobbies. She
has found that during the Covid Pandemic she really let loose and started doing her pouring.
She exclaimed “it was an escape from the exhausting but rewarding job of being an Emergency
Room Nurse” to which she has helped many. Kristine has a heart of gold and is a hero in my
book with great artistic abilities.
Photo by Kristine Willis
Melinda Collins, Staff Writer