Thanksgiving night was the debut of the North Pole Workshop Mailbox, the newest addition to the Red River Conference Center which will give kids of all ages a way to communicate their Christmas wishes to that jolly old elf, the one and only Santa Claus!
Letter forms, including a Nice/Naughty declaration and free candy cane pens will be available at the Tourism Office located in the Conference Center. Letters will be picked up and delivered to Santa daily.
Here are just a few of the 86 letters that were put in the Mail Box:
Mia, age 10 from Albuquerque, checked the NICE box and said her favorite thing this year was coming to Red River. She would like a Nintendo Switch, an Infinity Cube and more fishing lures “so I can catch a huge fish.” She also asked that Santa give her sister a present.

Henry, age 8, from Waco added his own box labeled “Both” to the Nice/Naughty question. Going fishing was his favorite thing this year and hopes Santa will find him an Xbox 5.
Kalab, age 4, from Santa Fe, checked NICE and said his favorite thing this year was going to see Monster Trucks and that he would like to have an unspecified Transformer.
Ransom, age 5, from Norman, checked NICE and said going to the store was his favorite thing that happened this year. He asked Santa for a “big, huge toy car that I can drive.”
Atlas J, age 3, from Red River, checked NICE and going skiing was his favorite thing this year. He wants a fire truck and wished Santa “Safe travels!”
Brooklyn, age 10, from Dallas added a NICE-ISH Box and said this trip to Red River was the favorite thing this year and would like to have a Guinea Pig.