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Doing Business in Red River

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There is an old joke: How do you get a million dollars in Red River? Start with two million.

During the course of a year, the Miner receives numerous inquiries from people who would like to own a business in Red River.

Some of them are people who have retired, others are folks who are ready to make a change in their lives.

All of them want to be “living the dream,” in the beautiful mountains of New Mexico.

The question most frequently asked?

“What kind of business would be good in town?”

After more than 28 years of publishing a newspaper on a weekly basis, my answer to such inquiries is brief, heartfelt and respectful.

I honestly don’t know. I haven’t a clue.

In the more than three decades I’ve lived in Red River, I have seen businesses come and go. Some of them appeared to be a “sure thing-can’t miss”, while others seemed a bit whimsical, fanciful to a fault.

Some of the whimsical made it  and are still in business, while some of the “sure things-can’t miss” never  got their legs under them and good folks left with broken spirits and empty pockets. I don’t know what all the factors for success might be and I really don’t understand why some ventures fly high, while some come crashing down.

If you are retiring and looking for something that will keep you active and involved, may I suggest investing  heavily in fishing gear, take lessons from one of  Red River’s expert fishing guides and spend as much time as you can at the river.

You can also volunteer to work for any of the organizations in town that can use the help. The Red River Chamber of Commerce and the Tourism and Economic Development Office are producing events like the Car Show, Art & Wine Festival,  the Marathon,  Enchanted Circle Bike Tour and Oktoberfest.

There are also community organizations like the Historical Society and Friends of the Library who are always  glad to have help and can utilize your talents. Volunteers are a vital force in a small town.

The main question? What is your motivation? What do you seek from a business? What is your experience and how do you feel about hard work and long hours?

Do you want to buy an existing business or do you want to start one? Do your homework. What license or permits from the town or state of New Mexico are required? What ordinances are involved? What is legal and what is not? What kind of businesses is the town lacking?

Whatever you decide, buena suerte, my friends.