Our Snow Coach Dinner Tour has exceeded all expectations! Great food and “A Cozy Mountain Experience” at the Red River Ski and Summer Area’s Tip Restaurant create a memorable experience at 10,350 feet. Your tour starts at the Lift House and ascends 1600 vertical feet to the Ski Tip Restaurant. You will hear the history of the mountain and Red River as you ascend. You may also see the snowmakers and groomers working as you pass by the Snow Flake Factory. Kai and his staff take over from there. After having one of the best meals in your life, you’ll return back to our heated snow coach for the descent. Town lights twinkle in the distance as you make your way down the front side of the mountain. Your driver will cruise down The Face for some added excitement! Round trip times vary due to conditions, but the average trip takes about two hours.
Dates of Operation and Times
Tour dates will be offered nightly as soon as we have snow coverage from top to bottom. There are two departure times from the Lift House – 5:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. We must have a minimum of 8 people for the coach to depart for each of these tours nightly.
Reservations are required. We encourage you to reserve tours well in advance of your arrival by calling our reservation specialists, 575-754-2223 x197 or x198.
-Karen Kelly, RRSA Director of Marketing & Guest Services
Photo by Sarah Dorrance